Tuesday, 18 August 2015


There’s another man in my life who is as precious , if not more as my hubby dear. I cherish every moment of my life spent with him. In fact I have spent some of the best years of my life with him.
What better occasion than this Raksha Bandhan than to thank my only Brother for being  my  first playmate , a true friend , a empathetic  guide , a genius mentor and above all for being the perfect role model who  shaped up all the choices- personal and professional that got in so far in life. Of course like all other siblings we have had our own share of conflicts  ,arguments and fights but none of them had the power to affect the deep bonding and camaraderie that made us the “Rocking Twosome”.
I reminisce with fondness on how together we grew up on fables of love , care , relationships , compromise and understanding and many more values that forging a bond of sibling revelry came so naturally to us and it wells up our hearts with so much concern of him even to this day when both of us are entering our early 40s. Its a strong realisation  today that your sibling is the only one who does not judge you or pull you down despite knowing you in and out. The memories of a revelry that grew strong over board games we played , the scented erasers (erasers and its various varieties were not so easily available at that time ..scented ones were an absolute luxury ) or stamp collection that we collected  ,climbing the mango trees at our native place which we visited every june , playing numerous other games outdoors with our big bunch of friends like skipping the big long rope , PITHOOS , and last but not to forget with his priceless possession- a remote controlled glider.
As I grew a little older I could see how subtly he shifted gears from a loving and caring BRO to  a protective bodyguard with eagle like gaze on things around me (especially Boys).He did add a lot of spice to my youth days, though by sharing his big collection of cassettes on popular English songs ,by keeping enough patience as I took time to learn to ride his favourite mobike ,by gifting me some really amazing stuff from his fist salary and so much more.
I cannot  for get the day when we lost our mother to a cruel turn of destiny.  He was the one who said “If so much of crying would get her back , let’s do it together”. His words pierced me  deep within and helped me collect myself and to come to terms to our ground realities and to take on many more responsibilities that awaited to be shouldered in that moment.
Life , indeed has been a riot of fun , excitement , learning and growing with my sibling. Of course there have been our share of grey moments but together we have always basked in the glory of the realisation that “Every Dark Cloud Has A Silver Lining” and that every problem has a solution...Keeping the faith in the adage in word and spirit , we continue to invest in our relationship and  cherish it as we stand  to gain so much knowledge and life skills lessons from each other without inventing the wheel all over again.
We are determined to take our revelry to eternity despite all odds or differences that abound.

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